Occupation Lane: A walk exploring poetry and habitation with Rob Hindle
Saturday 27th May
Loxley, S6 6RU (meet outside the Admiral Rodney Pub)
10:30 – 12:30
£3 – £10
Event Description
During the first Covid lockdown in the spring of 2020, many people’s idea of ‘place’ shifted. In the semi-rural environment of Loxley, between Sheffield and the Peak, the enforced curtailment of those weeks enabled a closer, more conscious relationship between poet Rob Hindle and his local place, and instigated habits – walking the same paths and lanes most days – which have persisted, and which inhabit much of the poetry in his latest collection, Sapo (Longbarrow Press, 2022).
On this walk, Rob will lead a trail along some of these routeways, sharing some of the poems which examine the relationships we make with and within our familiar (yet strange) territories, focusing in particular on Occupation Lane, an old bridleway behind his house that connects and delineates gardens and wild places, human and non-human life, and the outer and inner worlds of experience.
The 2-hour walk is approximately 2 ¾ miles along roads, bridleways and paths, some of which may be muddy. There is some steady climbing during the first half of the walk. We will meet at the bus stop opposite the Admiral Rodney pub at 10:30am.
The 31 and 61/62 bus services travel to Loxley from Sheffield city centre and Hillsborough respectively.
The 31 bus from Angel St (Cg3) at 10:00am arrives at the Admiral Rodney at 10:25am
The 61 bus from Hillsborough Interchange at 09:55am arrives at the Admiral Rodney at 10:09am
Return is via the 31 bus at 12:30pm, or the 62 bus at 12:49pm
In-person, not suitable for wheelchairs or people with limited mobility.
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